This is the March edition of the newsletter of the COST action. The aim is to keep you updated on recent and upcoming conferences and postdoc positions on subjects related to WISPs.
We encourage participants in the cost action to send us a small summary, typically smaller than the abstract, of their own articles that will appear in the arXiv in April (after they appear, with their arXiv numbers). The summary will be disseminated in the newsletter of April.
preprint summary for Cosmic Wispers newsletter April 2023
PhD/Postdoc/Junior positions
PhD and Postdoc positions, Hamburg U. link (deadline April 1st)
Faculty position in DM direct detection, U. of Sao Paulo, Brazil, link (deadline April 2nd)
Postdoctoral Research Associate in LUX/ZEPLIN, U. Edinburgh, UK, link, (deadline April 5th)
Postdoc position T2K/Hyper Kamiokande, INP Crakow, Poland, link (deadline April 7th)
Postdoctoral Fellow in Fundamental Physics Searches with Quantum Sensors (DESY-ALPS-II), Southern Denmark U., link (deadline April 9th)
Post-doctoral Research Associate on direct detection of dark matter with the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment, King’s College London, UK, link (deadline April 12th)
Postdoctoral Research Associate on low-energy neutrino physics and neutrino-less double beta decay, King’s College London, UK, link (deadline April 12th)
Tenure track CNRS position: theoretical cosmology, CNRS France, link (deadline April 14th)
Tenure Track Position in DUNE, CNRS Annecy, France, link (deadline April 14th)
Tenure track position at IFJ PAN, Crakow, INP Poland, link (deadline April 17th)
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Particle Physics, U. Liverpool, UK, link (deadline April 21st)
Postdoctoral position with the RICOCHET experiment and further development of cryogenic detectors for direct dark matter searches, LPSC Grenoble, France, link (deadline April 30th)
Postdoctoral researcher for the search for a muon EDM using the frozen-spin technique, PSI Villigen, Switzerland, link (deadline April 30th)
Postdoctoral position, Max Planck Institute Munich, Germany, link (deadline May 14th)
Call for Astroparticle Physics PhD candidates at GSSI : nine position, GSSI, L’Aquila, Italy, link (deadline May 30th)
Senior Postdoc and Advanced Fellowship positions in theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, King’s College London, UK, link (deadline June 30th)
Postdoctoral position in particle physics (Belle-II), Strasbourg IPHC, France, link (deadline September 30th)
Arnold Fellowships and Landau Felloships in Physics and Mathematics, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK, link (deadline October 1st)
Particle physics from early universe to future colliders (Portoroz 2023) link
Axions across boundaries between Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology and forefront Detection Technologies (GGI Workshop 2023) link
Progress on old and new themes in cosmology 2023 link