23–27 Sept 2024
Hotel Villa Tuscolana
Europe/Rome timezone

Stochasticity of Galactic cosmic rays

24 Sept 2024, 21:16
Foyer Vittorio Emanuele

Foyer Vittorio Emanuele


Vo Hong Minh Phan (TTK, Aachen)


Supernova remnants have long been considered as the most potential class of sources for Galactic cosmic rays. The point-like nature of these objects could potentially lead to strong variations in the distribution of cosmic rays, especially in the MeV and PeV energy range (the two energy frontiers of Galactic cosmic rays). Such variations mean that the local cosmic-ray spectra may only be predicted only in a stochastic sense. We will discuss how this stochastic effect might help to better explain certain features in the local spectra observed by Voyager (for MeV cosmic rays) and by ARGO, KASCADE, IceCube and IceTop (for PeV cosmic rays and beyond).

Primary author

Vo Hong Minh Phan (TTK, Aachen)

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