23–27 Sept 2024
Hotel Villa Tuscolana
Europe/Rome timezone

Dark boson search on accelerators and in astrophysics

24 Sept 2024, 21:02
Foyer Vittorio Emanuele

Foyer Vittorio Emanuele


Momchil Naydenov (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski")


This presentation is dedicated to my most recent results in the dark sector phenomenology. The anomalous nuclear decays observed at ATOMKI, Hungary lead to the existence of a dark vector meson. It is shown that the mass of the dark meson should be around 17 MeV and the interaction constant ∼ 10−4e. Those parameters cannot introduce the required correction to the muon magnetic moment. We present a model based on tensor interactions with vector mesons which has the capability of explaining both effects. We show that the suggested mesons are detectable on PADME at LNF. The Lagrangian is then extended to include also a pseudo-scalar particle (ALP) and effects on the equation of state of a neutron star are derived.

Primary author

Momchil Naydenov (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski")

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