May 26 – 30, 2008
Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The ATLAS LAr calorimeter: an overview

May 26, 2008, 11:45 AM
Salone Teresiano (Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy)

Salone Teresiano

Biblioteca Universitaria, Pavia, Italy

Strada Nuova, 65
oral presentation LHC LHC


Henric Wilkens (CERN)


The various cryostats with the ATLAS LAr calorimeter are
installed in the ATLAS cavern since several
years. Following this, an effort to install and commission the
front end read-out electronics
(infrastructure, crates, boards) has been ongoing and is
converging, in time for the cavern closure.
After the mechanical installation of the LAr calorimeter 99.9% of
the read-out channels were working,
hence great care was taken to assure the same high level of
quality after the installation of the read-out
Following cautious procedures and with continuous
testing-campaigns of the electronics at each step of
the installation advancement, the result is a fully commissioned
calorimeter with its readout and a small
number of non-functional channels.
The presentation will give a general overview of the installation
of the ATLAS LAr calorimeter electronics
and show results of the calibration runs that were taken
continuously during the various phases of
commissioning. Different problems observed and addressed will be
discussed. It will describe noise studies
that have been performed and shortly review the solutions
implemented to reduce noise. The excellent
stability of the calorimeter readout will be demonstrated by
showing results from pedestal and pulse height

Primary author

Presentation materials