The CALICE Collaboration
The CALICE collaboration is performing R&D for the construction of
highly granular central calorimeters for a future dectector to be
operated at the International Linear Collider (ILC). In the past
years the collaboration has successfully desgined, constructed and
operated in test beams a protoype Si-W calorimeter involving
approximately 10000 pads. The test beam results have delivered
valuable information allowing the improvement of the layout of the
active part for the next generation of prototypes, namely a full
calorimeter module being studied as part of the EUDET program. A
detector unit up to 1500mm long is currently under construction.
Aspects like mechanical rigidity and thermal heat dissipation will be
investigated. A particular novel feature of this prototype is the
integration of the very front end electronics into the layer
of the calorimeter. The electronics will be power pulsed with
suited to the expected bunch structrue of the ILC, in order to meet
the requirements of a minimal heat dissipation of the ASICS) of the
order of 1 MicroWatt per circuit.