5–9 Jun 2023
Geremeas - Cala Serena (Sardegna)
Europe/Rome timezone

Accommodation and Fee

We have a special price for the accommodation at Cala Serena Resort. The cost is 166 euro per night per person in Single room with full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner). You can benefit of this price also for the nights from June 3rd up to June 11.

If you prefer to share the room with a colleague or a companion the total cost (per room) is 262 euro per night, full board. Please specify the name of your roommate when booking.

The conference fee is 175 euro and includes all the meeting services, the meeting room and infrastructures. The fee is to be paid upon your arrival at the check-in.


The payment can be done by Bank transfer or Credit Card. 

The reservation will be confirmed only after sending to Bluserena the confirmation email and the receipt of the expected payment of 10% of the room cost (deposit). Balance of stqay will be debited by May 20th

Cancellation policy: 

In case of cancellation under 21 days before the date of arrival there will be no refund of any fees paid (deposit) 

The conference fee will not be charged in case of cancellation

To complete the registration (deadline May 10th) you have to fill the form in the website AND fill the pdf form file included in the page "Complete your registration". This must be sent to Cala Serena Resort (email: )