3–7 Jul 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

New results of the DOSUE-RR experiment and future

6 Jul 2023, 15:15


University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia


Dr Shunsuke Adachi (Kyoto University)


Dark photon dark matter (DP-DM) is one of the dark matter candidates. The DP-DM is theoretically predicted to have a weak coupling χ to ordinary photons. This results in the emission of the conversion photon at the electromagnetic boundary such as a metal surface when the DP-DM passes through.
The DOSUE-RR (Dark-photon dark-matter Observing System for Un-Explored Radio-Range) is a series of multiple experiments. We aim to detect the conversion photons from the DP-DM using millimeter-wave receivers. The frequency of the conversion photon corresponds to the mass of dark matter by energy conservation, and the intensity of the conversion photon corresponds to the square of the coupling χ. Since there is no obvious prediction for the dark matter mass, we should search in a wide frequency(=mass) range. A millimeter-wave receiver can cover a relatively wider frequency range rather than the haloscope experiments. The target frequency range of the DOSUE-RR is 10−300 GHz. To cover such a wide range, we are performing or planning multiple experiments.
We published our first results last year. We achieved the world’s best exploration in the 18−26.5 GHz frequency range (74−110 $\mu$eV mass range) and set an upper limit ($\chi \sim < 10^{-10}$). We have been expanding our exploring range to both lower and higher frequency ranges. In this talk, we will present our latest results as well as the development status for the future.

Primary author

Dr Shunsuke Adachi (Kyoto University)


Mr Hiroki Takeuchi (Kyoto University) Mr Ryo Fujinaka (Kyoto University) Toshi Sumida (Dept. of Physics, Kyoto University) Mr Hironobu Nakata (Kyoto University) Mr Junya Suzuki (Kyoto Univerisity) Osamu Tajima (KEK) Dr Shunsuke Honda (University of Tsukuba) Mr Yoshinori Sueno (Kyoto University) Mr Yuma Muto (Kyoto University) Dr Tac Nakajima (Nagoya University, ISEE) Dr Yutaka Hasegawa (Osaka Metropolitan University) Prof. Hideo Ogawa (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Presentation materials