Jun 6 – 10, 2011
Porto Conte
Europe/Rome timezone

Prospects of HEP in the USA

Jun 9, 2011, 9:00 AM
Porto Conte

Porto Conte

Alghero, Località Porto Conte


Giorgio Bellettini (PI)


The Fermilab Tevatron will shut down in October 2011. The U.S. Department of Energy has designed a strategy to preserve the vitality of the field in the next 10 years. This is based on continuing full-steam the analysis of the Tevatron data for 5 years after shut-down, strengthening the LHC experiments, starting a number of advanced neutrino experiments with beams originating at Fermilab, and performing high precision experiments on rare processes on the Fermilab site. For the following decades, a new high intensity proton source, Project X, is under study which would be able to feed a neutrino factory and a muon collider. R/D on this collider of novel conception is progressing with the aim of building it on the Fermilab site. This would bring back to the USA the highest energy particle physics facility in the world.

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