1–7 Sept 2023
EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Test of Causal Non-Linear Quantum Mechanics by Ramsey Interferometry on the Vibrational Mode of a Trapped Ion

5 Sept 2023, 09:00
EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)

EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)

Via Guarnotta, 26 - 91016 ERICE (Sicily) - Italy The conference will take place at the San Domenico Institute in the Dirac Lecture Hall: Piazzetta S. Domenico, 1, 91016 Erice TP: ttps://goo.gl/maps/VRnvpsRqLdvj2AfE6


Surjeet Rajendran (The Johns Hopkins University)


Kaplan and Rajendran have recently demonstrated that non-linear and state-dependent terms can be consistently added to quantum field theory to yield causal non-linear time evolution in quantum mechanics. Causal non-linear theories have the unavoidable feature that their quantum effects are dramatically sensitive to the full physical spread of the quantum state of the system. As a result, such theories are not well tested by conventional atomic and nuclear spectroscopy. By using a well-controlled superposition of vibrational modes of a 40Ca+ ion trapped in a harmonic potential, we set a stringent limit of 5.4×10−12 on the magnitude of the unitless scaling factor ϵ̃γ for the predicted causal, non-linear perturbation.

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