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Meeting ID: 966 9666 0145
Passcode: 815672
Chris presentation-> showing residuals in VTX standalone (vtx trks from clusters) for CNAO2022. Differences in the distributions introducing the TG--> maybe not a good idea to have the TG holder fixed to VTX detector
-->MSD problem in MC not having a eta function and missing an Eloss calibration to set MC thresholds tuned from data as for other detectors
G.Ubaldi --> comments: needed a deeper understanding on the integrated quantities shown to understand how the reconstruction is working (very useful for the future)
Need to study the MC closure test using:
- correct binning used for the final measurement (at least starting from theta)
- MC production including primaries (done)
- using all reconstructed quantities for MC reco cross sections
- show efficiencies/resolutions as a function of the chosen bin for each identified Z
- bkg rejection to be understood. not clear how it is done, what is the rejection power of the used method and its efficiency
- integrated XS have to be used only as a final cross check with GSI2019 analysis and with Riccardo analysis. They are not the primary wanted output of the analysis
-->G.Ubaldi is going to work with Yun and Ilaria to try to answer to the previous points
-->Matteo, Giacomo U., RobZ: improve MC closure test, glb reco and alignment
--> Giacomo T. is joining in the study of the output of the reconstruction with full setup
-->Yun/RobZ working together on alignment. still problems for data GSI2021 and CNAO2022
- work on MSD proper inclusion in global tracking (still some issues at CNAO 2022).
- Upgrade of the glb trk algorithm using an event classification routine in order to be able to disentangle out of TG fragments from the ones coming from TG (so bkg rejection)
--> Riccardo: working on GSI2021 analysis with SC/BM/TW setup trying to measure XS integrated and in bins of theta and (maybe) beta
Giuseppe and Milano group--> working on the glb reco output providing feedbacks/issues+ simulation production. Giuseppe suggests a data quality group to know what are the good runs to be analyzed-->see Mauro (next)
Mauro-->working on the cleaning of raw data producing new synched raw data dataset. New RAW files with coherent data have been produced and are available at the Tier 3 farm. When all the data from GSI2021 and CNAO2022 campaigns will be re-processed they will be made available to the collaboration and infos will be accessible in the TWiki page and in git repo. After this work we can think to re-process HIT2022 raw data files if there are people available in analyzing those data (ToV group are btw the candidates for example)