Chair Prof. M.S. Zhan
Ring lasers are now resolving the rate of rotation of the Earth with 8 significant digits. Technically they constitute a Sagnac interferometer, where a traveling wave resonator, circumscribing an arbitrary contour, defines the optical frequency of two counter-propagating resonant laser beams. Subtle non-reciprocal effects on the laser beam however, cause a variable bias, which reduces the...
GINGER (Gyroscopes In GEnereal Relativity -> Gyroscopes IN GEophysics and Relativity ?), array of ring laser gyroscopes (RLG), is entered the construction phase. The three-years plan is to install and to make operative 2 RLGs inside the underground Gran Sasso laboratory. One of the two will be oriented at the maximum Sagnac signal in order to evaluate the orientation, with respect to the...
The proposal that will be presented is to use space based interferometers, designed for gravitational waves detection, as sensors for the gravitomagnetic field of the Milky Way. The technique would be based on the asymmetric propagation of light along the closed contour of the interferometer originated by the various components of the proper rotation of the device and by the chirality of the...
Large-scale laser gyroscopes are precise devices for angular velocity measurement based on Sagnac effect, and their performance is positively related to the scale factor. To obtain a higher rotational resolution, we develop a large-scale-factor green laser gyro with a size of 8-meter by 8-meter in Wuhan, China, operated at a wavelength of 532 nm. The expected Sagnac frequency is 556.7 Hz. The...
Large-scale laser gyroscopes with sufficiently high sensitivity are inertial sensors with the capability to measure the rotational components of various geophysical motions. However, the specific application require that the instrument can be run continuously. The cavity perimeter fluctuations and laser frequency noise become challenges in larger-scale passive resonant gyroscopes (PRGs). In...