Chair Prof. D. Ciampini
In analogy to light interferometers, atom interferometers are sensitive to rotations if they enclose an area. Due to the different energy scales of the interfering particles, atom interferometers can potentially reach competitive sensitivities to large laser gyroscopes while maintaining a comparably compact and transportable sensor size [1]. In this contribution, we will introduce the...
In this talk, I will discuss our recent progress in the absolute rotation measurement with an atom interferometer gyroscope. The high-precision gyroscope was developed by precisely aligning the orientation of three pairs of Raman beams thus to construct a large-area interference loop area. The scale factor of the atom-interferometer gyroscope is calibrated by precisely measuring the atomic...
The burgeoning field of quantum metrology seeks to find “quantum advantages” over existing classical measurement schemes. Owing to its importance in gyroscopes and gravitational wave detection as well as its fundamental nature in all branches of interferometry, phase estimation beyond the standard quantum limit has been the prototypical example. Pragmatically, due to loss, quantum phase...
Absolute angular rotation rate measurements with sensitivity better than prad/sec would be beneficial for fundamental science investigations. On this regard, large frame Earth based ring laser gyroscopes are top instrumentation as far as bandwidth, long term operation and sensitivity are concerned.
GINGERINO, the active ring laser prototype of the GINGER collaboration, has shown an...