A complete six-component (6C) seismic wave field includes three translational components and three rotational components. Traditional seismic observation and research only focus on the translational motions, but exploration of rotational seismology has a long history (Aki and Richards,2002; Lee et al.,2009). With the development of rotational seismometers, especially the high-precision optical...
The detection of local deformations is a hot topic in geodesy. In our analysis we compare the signal from Gingerino with the ones from the GNSS stations, homogeneously selected around the position of Gingerino. Then we derived the rotational component of the area circumscribed by the GNSS stations and compared it with the Gingerino signal.
We used two different methods. In the first one,...
The Galileo for Science Project (G4S_2.0) is an Italian Project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) that aims to provide Fundamental Physics measurements with the Galileo-FOC constellation. These concern both the analysis of atomic-clocks data and that of satellite orbits. A new accurate analysis of the satellites onboard atomic-clocks can lead to two significant results: i) measuring the...
Gingerino, prototype for the GINGER experiment, is a ring laser gyroscope that measures the Earth angular velocity, exploiting the Sagnac effect.
Such a measurement, other than for geophysical purposes, is for fundamental physics measurements, if performed with precision and accuracy better than one part over $10^9$.
GINGER is a multipurpose experiment, and a few pipelines are developed for...
Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers (HC-PCFs) are a novel type of optical fibers, featuring several physical characteristic making them suitable for the development of high precision, next generation optical and optomechanical sensors. The hollow core and single-material structure allow for high power delivery and strongly increase the stability of interferometric fiber optic gyroscopes ...
The optical ring cavity is the core component of a laser gyroscope. A higher finesse and narrower linewidth cavity are required. However, the property of cavity impedance matching is another key parameter for a passive resonant gyroscope (PRG). For a free-space PRG, the laser is injected into the cavity and the laser frequency is locked to the cavity resonance by using the Pound-Drever-Hall...
The QUPLAS (QUantum interferometry and gravitation with Positrons and LASers) experiment aims to test fundamental physical laws with antimatter by measuring the Positronium (Ps) fall in the Earth's gravitational field. Such measurement would represent a test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle and the CPT symmetry and is further motivated by the lack of information on antimatter behavior in...
DAS technology is particularly suitable for microseismic monitoring application in geothermal environments. This instrumentation can resist to high temperatures (up to about 100°C or more) higher than the operational temperature of standard acquisition instruments (e.g., geophones), allowing the fiber to be located very close to the reservoir. For this reason, DAS is particularly useful for...
Inertial sensors based on matter‑wave interference show great potential for navigation, geodesy, or fundamental physics. As known from the Sagnac effect, their sensitivity to rotations increases with the space-time area enclosed by the interferometer. In the case of light interferometers, the latter can be enlarged by forming multiple (fibre) loops. However, the equivalent for matter‑wave...
Passive resonant gyroscope (PRG) is a type of rotation detector based on Sagnac effect, which has shown application potentials in inertial navigation, geophysics, and fundamental physics. Laser-frequency-locking techniques are essential in PRGs to keep the external injection laser resonant with the passive ring cavity. Here we realize a locking scheme based on the polarization property of the...
The large ring laser array ROMY (ROtational Motions in seismologY) consists of four Sagnac interferometer, each representing an individual, high-sensitive rotation rate sensor, joined as a tetrahedral, heterolithic structure, due to its triangular rings of 12 meter side length. This size and the heterolithic construction introduces new challenges in the operation and monitoring of a large ring...