May 29, 2023 to June 2, 2023
Pollica Physics Center
Europe/Rome timezone

Machine Learning and Flows for Lattice QCD

Not scheduled
Pollica Physics Center

Pollica Physics Center

Castello dei Principi Capano, Pollica, Salerno, Italy


Sébastien Racanière (DeepMind)


Recently, there have been some very impressive advances in generative models for sound, text and images. In this talk, I will look into applications of generative models to Lattice QCD. The models I will consider are flows, which are families of diffeomorphisms transforming simple base distributions into complicated target distributions. I will explain why we believe that flows are suitable for Lattice QCD. I will give details on how we built these flows, and explain how known symmetries of LQCD can be incorporated into them.

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