October 31, 2023 to November 4, 2023
Europe/Athens timezone

Jet Production in Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering

Nov 1, 2023, 5:25 PM
Talk in workshop 2: "QCD analysis of nucleon structure" Parallel Workshop 2


Ivan Pedron (KIT)


In this talk I present our work on the calculation of exclusive single jet and dijet production cross sections in polarized DIS. The NLO accuracy results are obtained with our extension of the dipole subtraction method to account for initial state polarized processes. In the case of single jet production, we also reach NNLO accuracy by applying the projection-to-Born (P2B) subtraction method. We consider the case of pure photon exchange as well as full neutral-current (NC) and charged-current (CC) processes where the weak boson W± and Z are involved. The calculation is fully implemented in our Monte Carlo code POLDIS, which is used to study the phenomenological implications of the results obtained in the kinematics of the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) and how they will impact on our knowledge on the spin decomposition of hadrons.

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