5. Theoretical Physics (CSN4)

Determination of heavy mesons fragmentation functions

by Maral Salajegheh

Aula Seminari (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Aula Seminari

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

We present the extraction of heavy mesons fragmentation functions using a phenomenological approach. For the first time, we calculate non-perturbative fragmentation functions for B and D mesons at NNLO in the so-called zero-mass variable-flavour-number scheme in QCD.
We will also incorporate the effect of charmed-meson mass corrections and determine D-meson fragmentation functions by fitting LEP and SLD data. We present NNLO single-inclusive production cross sections in electron-positron annihilation and estimate the uncertainties by means of the Hessian approach. The comparison with other calculations is discussed as well.