11–15 Sept 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Non-WIMP dark matter searches with the ATLAS detector

14 Sept 2023, 17:10
Room delta

Room delta

Particle Physics [theory + colliders] PP: Particle Physics


Olivera Vujinovic


Collider searches for dark matter (DM) so far have mostly focussed on scenarios
where DM particles are produced in association with heavy standard model (SM)
particles or jets. However, no deviations from SM predictions have been observed.
Several recent phenomenology papers have proposed models that explore the
possibility of accessing the strongly coupled dark sector, giving rise to unusual
and unexplored collider topologies. The results of recent searches on dark QCD,
semi-visible jets, dark sector, dark photon, LLP, and ALPs on 13 TeV pp data from
the LHC, their interplay and interpretation will be presented.

Primary authors

Prof. Carlo Dellapiccola (Univ. of Massachusetts) Olivera Vujinovic

Presentation materials