Recap of inclusive DIS, factorization and extraction of PDFs.
Evidence of non collinear motion of partons.
SIDIS: kinematics and definitions, factorization of cross section.
Classification of TMDs and their main features, evolution equations and CSS formalism.
Gauge link and color-gauge invariance.
Universality of TMDs, naive T-odd TMDs and the problem of sign change.
Differences with quark TMDs.
Gauge link and (non)universality.
Best channels for extraction of gluon TMDs: heavy flavor production in SIDIS, factorization, LDME and Shape Functions.
Definitions, observables (R_A), EMC effect, anti-shadowing..
Polarised beams and targets. Experiments with lepton beams (Hermes, Compass, JLab)
Potential impact of the EIC on the panorama of results described in previous lectures.
If time permits, some hints on the accelerator.
Overview of existing parametrizations for nuclear PDFs.
Impact of the EIC on current uncertainties.
Overview of main results and current panorama.
Discussion of potential impact of the EIC and applications of Machine Learning techniques.
Extraction of PDFs practicing xFitter framework
Overview of the school program
EIC Project:
- series of INT workshops at Seattle => EIC White Paper
- the EIC as a unique machine in the coming years
- NSAC recommendation, NAS report, DOE CD approvals
- the EIC timeline