Season 5 Episode 3 PhD Seminar

Aula Conversi (VEF) and Zoom

Aula Conversi (VEF) and Zoom


24th meeting of physics PhD seminar series

If you want to attend in person, sign the doodle here:
Meeting ID: 883 8415 4993
Passcode: 385588

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You can submit abstracts using the following link:

    • 1
      The Universe as an infinite source of information

      There are many open questions in the theory of fundamental interactions. The Universe is the place where we can find the answer we need. This is becoming increasingly clear, especially since the advent of gravitational waves astronomy. I will give a brief overview of the open problems of high-energy physics and I will try to explain a concrete example in which we can use the Universe as an (infinite) source of information.

      Speaker: Loris Del Grosso
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    • 3
      Collective behaviours: from the Ising model to bird flocks

      Collective behaviours are a phenomena arising in a wide variety of systems, from magnets to superfluid helium, from lattice vibrations (phonons) to bird flocks. Starting from the Ising model, the prototypical model to describe magnetic transitions, the main features of collective behaviours will be reviewed: how do collective behaviours emerge? How can we characterise them? The final aim is to try to discuss collective behaviours in biological systems, dealing with a phenomenon that likely all of us saw at least once in their life in Rome: bird flocking.

      Speaker: Mattia Scandolo
    • 4