New Frontiers in Lepton Flavor is organised by INFN-Pisa and will take place at the INFN and Physics Department “E. Fermi” of the University of Pisa. Our goal is to strengthen the ties between the experimental and theory communities and discuss the state of the art of lepton flavor physics in light of recent results.
We will cover lepton flavor and lepton flavor universality violation, flavor anomalies, the muon g-2 anomaly; we will review recent experimental and theory developments to discuss how they can provide new insights and shape future investigations.
In addition to talks by experts in the field, there will be dedicated sessions for young researchers to present their work to a broader audience. PhD students and new postdocs are encouraged to submit their proposals for short (~15 min.) talks.
The workshop is in presence. Remote attendance can be arranged for those speakers who have serious impediments in travelling due to circumstances beyond their control.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published by JINST.
Organising committee
Dario Buttazzo (INFN Pisa)
Stefano Di Falco (INFN Pisa)
Anna Driutti (Pisa U., INFN Pisa)
Fabrizio Palla (INFN Pisa)
Angela Papa (Pisa U., INFN Pisa)
Matteo Rama (INFN Pisa)
Francesco Tenchini (Pisa U., INFN Pisa)
Monica Verducci (Pisa U., INFN Pisa)