23–25 gen 2023
University of Pisa
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Registration Form

Aperto 31 ott 2022
Chiuso 31 dic 2022
Informazioni di contatto

Participation at the conference is free of charge.

The conference is planned to be held as an in-presence event. If the situation owing to the pandemic does not allow for a pure in-presence meeting in January 2023, we are planning to hold a hybrid seminar format too.

All the participants of the conference, with the exception of the plenary speakers, are required to fill the registration form below.

Due to the limited capacity of the venue, the registrations will have to be reviewed and selected by the organisers.

Who wants to contribute with a talk/poster must apply in the "call for abstracts" section.

We particularly encourage the application of young researchers.

L'iscrizione è chiuso
Il periodo di iscrizione è scaduto.