Christophe Maurice Ferdinand Hugon
14/05/2009, 17:01
KM3NeT-ARCA is the successor of the ANTARES Mediterranean neutrino telescope. It is a km3 detector using a new design for the light detection units: the digital optical module. These optical modules were developed by the KM3NeT Collaboration to improve the detection capability of neutrino interactions in the fiducial volume thanks to their large total photocathode area, summed on the 31 three...
Olga Suvorova
14/05/2009, 17:50
We present the status of newly constructed cluster of the Gigaton Volume Detector in Lake Baikal (Baikal-GVD) designed for registration of very high energy neutrinos of astrophysical origin. This “Dubna” cluster has been upgraded to its baseline configuration, with 288 optical modules (OMs) arranged on eight vertical strings. Thus the instrumented water volume has been gotten up to about 5.9...
Carlo Broggini
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
14/05/2009, 18:40
The thermo-nuclear reactions responsible for the luminosity and for the chemical evolution of stars take place in a narrow energy window: the Gamow peak. The extremely low value of the cross section inside the Gamow peak has always prevented its direct measurement in a laboratory at the surface of the Earth, where the signal to background ratio is too small mainly because of cosmic ray...
subinoy das
(IIA, Abangalore)
14/05/2009, 19:30
Recent short baseline experiments (MiniBooNE and LSND) as well as reactor experiments (Daya bay and T2K) might be hinting for an extra eV scale light sterile neutrino state. But these results are in tension with the recent Planck data as it does not allow an extra thermalized neutrino. To alleviate this conflict, we propose a scenario where the light sterile neutrino is in thermal equilibrium...