Keith Olive
(University of Minnesota)
14/05/2009, 09:20
Carlos Munoz
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid UAM & Instituto de Física Teorica IFT-UAM/CSIC)
14/05/2009, 09:45
Supersymmetric models (with and without R parity conservation) and the associated particle candidates for dark matter (neutralino, sneutrino, gravitino) will be discussed in the light of experimental results.
Yann mambrini
(LPT Orsay)
14/05/2009, 10:10
Recently, ATLAS and CMS released their first analysis of the RUN II of the LHC. Their results seem to show an excess in the diphoton channel at 750 GeV, which could correspond to a (pseudo)scalar resonance with a relatively large width. We will show how this resonance can be embeded in models of dark matter, and the perspective of discoveries in the future direct and indirect detection experiments.
Genevieve Belanger
14/05/2009, 10:35
(IPhT CNRS CEA/Saclay)
16/05/2009, 11:55
I will briefly review the different ways in which Dark Matter (annihilations or decays) can produce high energy photons, and then focus on some current interesting cases from the experiments (and their phenomenological interpretation).
Christoph Weniger
(GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)
16/05/2009, 12:25
Ralph Engel
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
16/05/2009, 12:50