Luigi Antonio Fusco
The ANTARES detector is the largest and longest operated neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere. A highly-significant cosmic neutrino signal has been observed by the Antarctic IceCube detector and can be studied in details with ANTARES, exploiting the complementarity of its fields of view. All-flavour neutrino interactions can be observed and reconstructed by the experiment. Its good exposure, effective area and pointing accuracy have allowed putting limits on the neutrino emission from the Southern Sky from individual sources. Searches for a diffuse neutrino signal have been prepared, using data collected with ANTARES from 2007 to 2015. These searches look for neutrino fluxes coming from both all-sky and special regions such as the Galactic Plane and the Fermi Bubbles, from which an enhanced neutrino emission is predicted. The outcome of the analysis of ANTARES data will be reported in this contribution.