13–16 May 2009
Europe/Rome timezone

Particle dark matter signals in the anisotropic sky: a cross-correlations approach

14 May 2009, 18:55
Sala Vittorio Emanuele (Villa Tuscolana)

Sala Vittorio Emanuele

Villa Tuscolana



Marco Regis (TO)


Anisotropies in the electromagnetic emission induced by dark matter (DM) annihilation or decay in the extragalactic sky are a recent tool in the quest for a particle DM evidence. In this talk, I will review on-going searches involving the two-point angular cross-correlation signal between the multi-wavelength emission from WIMP DM and gravitational tracers of the DM distribution in the Universe, including weak-lensing cosmic shear, galaxy catalogs and CMB-lensing.

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