Augusto Macchiavelli
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
28/06/2011, 15:00
The gamma ray tracking technique uses highly segmented Ge detectors, and measures pulse shapes from each of the segments using fast digital electronics. These pulses are analyzed, in a procedure called signal decomposition, to determine energy, time, and three-dimensional positions of all gamma-ray interactions. This information is then used, together with the characteristics of the Compton...
Pieter Doornenbal
28/06/2011, 15:25
In the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) stable primary beams
of energies up to 345 MeV/nucleon are used to produce radioactive isotope
beams via in-flight separation with the BigRIPS fragment separator.
For gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments these radioactive
beams are either incident on a secondary target for in-beam experiments or
stopped to measure isomeric or beta-delayed...
Calin Alexandru Ur
28/06/2011, 15:50
The GALILEO project has the goal to build of a 4pi high-resolution gamma-ray array by combining the GASP tapered detectors with the Gammapool Cluster detectors. The array will be located at the National Laboratories of Legnaro and will take advantage of the stable beams provided by the Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE accelerator complex and, in the future, of the exotic radioactive ion beams provided by...