Peter Reiter
(IKP University of Cologne)
6/28/11, 9:30 AM
The MINIBALL spectrometer utilizes successfully the huge variety of post-accelerated radioactive ion beams provided by REX-ISOLDE at CERN. In-beam -ray spectroscopy after Coulomb excitation or transfer reactions is performed with two optimized setups of ancillary detectors for particle detection. Details of the actual MINIBALL setup, including beam monitoring devices and methods to deal with...
Elisa Rapisarda
(IKS Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
6/28/11, 9:55 AM
Extensive studies on Cu neutron-rich isotopes have been performed in recent years at REX-ISOLDE in the aim to investigate the nuclear structure in the vicinity of the N=40 sub-shell closure. In particular the study of odd-odd 68,70Cu nuclei was reported in [1] where for the first time low-energy Coulomb excitation measurements with isomeric radioactive post-accelerated beams were performed....
Michael Albers
(Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln)
6/28/11, 10:15 AM
Nuclei in the neutron-rich A&asymp100; mass region are well suited for the understanding of the development of collectivity. By adding only a few neutrons to the N=50 shell closure, collective effects can quickly occur. For the Z=40 (Zr) isotopes, N=56 becomes an effective shell closure, so that 96Zr is quoted as a doubly-magic nucleus. Adding only a few neutrons more, the Zr-isotopes get...
Jan Diriken
(IKS - KU Leuven)
6/28/11, 10:35 AM
The interest in the structure of nuclei around 68Ni has been triggered long ago by the observation of the high excitation energy of the first 2+ in this nucleus [1]. Combining this observation with the fact that a minimum is reached in the systematic of B(E2;2+ -> 0+)-values at N=40 in the neutron rich nickel chain has lead to interpretations in terms of a harmonic oscillator subshell closure...