Juan de Dios Zornoza
5/25/11, 3:00 PM
The ANTARES neutrino telescope was completed in May 2008 with the installation of its twelfth line. Its scientific scope is very broad, but the two main goals are the observation of astrophysical sources and the indirect detection of dark matter. The latter is possible through neutrinos produced after the annihilation of WIMPs, which would accumulate in sources like the Sun, the Earth or the...
Vincenzo Vitale
(Roma Tor Vergata)
5/25/11, 3:20 PM
The contribution of unresolved sources to the diffuse gamma-ray background could produce anisotropies in this emission on small angular scales. Recent studies have considered the angular power spectrum and other anisotropy metrics as tools for identifying contributions to diffuse emission from unresolved source classes, such as extragalactic and Galactic dark matter as well as various...
Mattia Fornasa
(Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia - IAA/CSIC)
5/25/11, 3:40 PM
For the first time, the Fermi-LAT measured the angular power spectrum (APS) of anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background. The data is found to be broadly compatible with a model with contributions from the point sources in the 1-year catalog, the Galactic diffuse background, and the extragalactic isotropic emission; however deviations are present at both large and small angular...