Mario Edoardo Bertaina
(University of Torino)
5/26/11, 2:30 PM
The KASCADE-Grande experiment, located at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Germany) is a multi-component extensive air-shower experiment devoted to the study of cosmic rays and their interactions at primary energies 10^14 - 10^18 eV. One of the main goals of the experiment is the measurement of the all particle energy spectrum in the 10^16 - 10^18 eV range by sampling charged (Nch) and muon...
Stefano Marcellini
5/26/11, 2:50 PM
We present a measurement of the ratio of positive to negative muon fluxes from cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere, using data collected by the CMS detector both at ground level and in the underground experimental cavern at the CERN LHC. Muons were detected in the momentum range from 5 GeV/c to 1 TeV/c. The surface flux ratio is measured to be 1.2766±0.0032 (stat.)±0.0032 (syst.),...
Hiroaki MENJO
(Nagoya University)
5/26/11, 3:10 PM
The LHCf experiment is one of the LHC forward experiments. The aim of the LHCf is to measure energy and transverse momentum spectra of neutral particles, gamma-rays, neutrons and neutral pions, due to calibrate the hadron interaction models which are used in air shower simulations. The LHCf detectors are composed of sampling and imaging calorimeters and had been installed 140m from a LHC...
Anatoly Petrukhin
5/26/11, 3:30 PM
A distinctive feature of the NEVOD-DECOR experiment is the investigation of muon component in inclined EAS. A rapid growth of the distance between the observation point and muon generation region, and as a consequence a large lateral spread of EAS muons at large zenith angles allow us to detect showers in a wide energy interval from 1015 up to about 1019 eV by means of relatively small-size...
Status of the RICE and preparations for next generation radio neutrino experiments in Antarctica
Ilya Kravchenko
(University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
5/26/11, 3:55 PM
The RICE experiment on detection of UHE neutrinos has been running over a decade. The experiment comprises an array of radio antennas buried in ice to the depth of up to 300 meters near the geographic South Pole, and is designed to observe neutrino interactions in ice employing the radio Cherenkov technique. We discuss RICE limits on the diffuse UHE neutrino flux. We also present studies of...