May 25 – 27, 2011
Rettorato, University Roma TRE, Roma, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Welcome to the RICAP-2011 registration procedure

Searches for dark matter candidates with the CMS experiment at the LHC

May 25, 2011, 5:05 PM
Rettorato, University Roma TRE, Roma, Italy

Rettorato, University Roma TRE, Roma, Italy

Viale Ostiense 159 00148, Roma Italy Room: Aula Magna


Sezen Sekmen (Florida State University)


A number of searches for signals of physics beyond the Standard Model have been performed with the data acquired by the CMS experiment in 2010 and at the beginning of 2011 in p-p collisions at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy. The predictions of many models of new physics that provide candidates for dark matter have been tested against experimental observations.

Primary author

Sezen Sekmen (Florida State University)

Presentation materials