22 June 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

“High temperature conditioning and solid oxide fuel cell: experimental tests and analysis”

22 Jun 2022, 12:40
Aula Salvini (INFN - LNF)

Aula Salvini



Dr E. C. Zuleta (Università degli studi Guglielmo Marconi)


The high-temperature conditioning is also supported by sorbent and catalyst materials downstream in order to capture contaminants and supply a high-quality fuel to the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) unit for electricity production. In addition, the suitable working of SOFC unit only allows a low limit of contaminants, for example H2S. Thus, the characterization of materials used during this stage is a required procedure to determine their performance and the effectiveness of each conditioning stage. Based on the framework of the European project BLAZE, the laboratory team of the University Guglielmo Marconi has used different characterization techniques (XRD, BET, SEM/EDX) in order to evaluate the material performance during the high-temperature conditioning stage, which will supply a high-quality fuel to SOFC unit.

Presentation materials