Tree rings are unique natural archives, able to record environmental history at different time scales, dating back to hundreds or thousands of years. They are widely used to analyze the impact of climate (or other ecological factors) on growth variability over forest dynamics. Dendrochemistry, i.e. the presence of selected chemicals in tree rings, is a promising field in tree ring science,...
Peltuinum è una città romana dell’Appennino aquilano. La sua storia è legata ai terremoti di questa regione fortemente sismica e termina infatti come realtà urbana in seguito ai sismi registrati nel V sec. dC. L’area continua tuttavia ad essere abitata attraverso nuclei sparsi. Il contributo di altre specifiche competenze alla ricerca sulla città si rivela indispensabile per affrontare a 360...
Samarium and Gadolinium Doped ceria (SDC-GDC) is one of most promising material for energy conversion and storage. Indeed, CGO is a promising candidate as electrolyte for Solid Oxide Fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its high ionic conductivity. Even more, Ceria-based materials represent a very promising class of electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction in solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) due to their...
The world is changing the energy production, conversion, storage and use systems in order to answer security, environmental and competitive more prerssing challenges. The project BLAZE, GICO, ZEPHYRUS, that I coordinate answer to these challenges and need a advanced materiaals analysis techniques.
The high-temperature conditioning is also supported by sorbent and catalyst materials downstream in order to capture contaminants and supply a high-quality fuel to the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) unit for electricity production. In addition, the suitable working of SOFC unit only allows a low limit of contaminants, for example H2S. Thus, the characterization of materials used during this...
HibiXLab è un laboratorio dell’università di Torino che nasce dall’unione delle competenze del gruppo di Fisica dello Stato Solido nell’impiego fasci di Raggi X e l’opportunità di finanziamento offerta dalla Regione Piemonte, l’università di Torino e l’INFN. Questo laboratorio ambisce ad essere una facility unica nel panorama italiano volta alla caratterizzazione e all’irraggiamento di...
Over the years, the presence of perchlorate salts has been detected on the Martian surface. Perchlorates may have been formed by ultraviolet activity on chlorine compounds left behind, for example, by ancient seas or lakes. These salts are derived from the union of a chemical element (Na, Ca, Mg and K) to a group of atoms consisting of 4 oxygen atoms bonded to a chlorine atom. Notably, the...
Volumetric reconstruction of color center distributions in X-ray irradiated LiF crystals obtained by confocal spectro-microscopy techniques. F. Bonfigli1, S. Botti1, R.M. Montereali1, E. Nichelatti2, V. Nigro1, M. Piccinini1, M.A.Vincenti1, A. Cecilia3 1 ENEA C.R. Frascati, Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety and Security Dep., Photonics Micro- and Nano-structures Laboratory,...
Biomaterials are gaining a lot of interest not only in the biomedical field but also in other sectors, such as for environmental and food applciations, in order to provide ecosustainable alternatives to the commonly used not biodegradable materials. They can be processed in different shapes, e.g., particles, spheres, fibers and properly tailored in order to provide specific functionalites. In...
In the restoration of painted artworks, the colour characterisation is a fundamental analysis to address the choice of suitable materials for the restoration and the consolidation of the painting layers. In this paper, we present a diagnostic study on a unique Japanese painted paper handscroll (emakimono), dated back between the late Edo (1603-1867) and the early Meiji (1868-1912) periods,...