22 June 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

“Tree-rings as unique natural archives to reconstruct environmental change in time and space”

22 Jun 2022, 11:00
Aula Salvini (INFN - LNF)

Aula Salvini



Prof. A. Di Filippo (Università della Tuscia)


Tree rings are unique natural archives, able to record environmental history at different time scales, dating back to hundreds or thousands of years. They are widely used to analyze the impact of climate (or other ecological factors) on growth variability over forest dynamics. Dendrochemistry, i.e. the presence of selected chemicals in tree rings, is a promising field in tree ring science, through which it is possible to infer chemical changes in the environment, as well as their metabolic role in wood formation. In this context, coupling tree ring and wood anatomy methods with X-Ray spectroscopy represent a highly promising tool in assessing long-term global change effects over selected landscapes.

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