17–19 Oct 2022
Bari, Villa Romanazzi Carducci
Europe/Rome timezone

LHCb RICH Upgrade

18 Oct 2022, 14:30
Bari, Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Bari, Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Hotel Mercure Villa Romanazzi Carducci, 326 Via Giuseppe Capruzzi, Bari (BA), Italy. Zip code: 70124


Federica Borgato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Hadron particle identification (PID) in LHCb is performed by two Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors. The system consists of an upstream detector, the RICH1, and a downstream detector, the RICH2, which use different radiators to provide PID to particles with momentum in the range 2-100GeV. In Run3 the photon detectors are composed by Multi-Anode Photo-Multipliers planes, which have good single photon response and very high active area. For Long Shutdown 3 an upgrade of the current electronics is planned in order to achieve a time resolution of approximately 200 ps to better reject the background. For High Luminosity LHC the RICH detectors will have a very high occupancy and improvements will be needed for the Cherenkov resolution (chromatic dispersion, optical aberrations, pixel size). Having a time-resolute RICH will play a fundamental role and studies are ongoing to improve all these aspects. A good option to replace the MaPMTs are the Silicon Photo-Multipliers: an R&D program is in progress to improve their intrinsic radiation hardness, operating them at a temperature less than -50°C. Another possibility is to develop an hybrid MCP, which would allow a really high time resolution.

Primary author

Federica Borgato (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials