The cluster counting technique represents a very promising alternative to the traditional ways of integrating the ionization charge for particle identification in drift chambers. It takes advantage of the Poisson nature of the primary ionization process and offers a more statistically robust method to infer mass information. Simulation studies prove that cluster counting allows reaching a...
After the realization of the MWPCs with CsI PC for the RICH detector of the COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS, the COMPASS RICH was upgraded with four novel gaseous Photon Detectors (PD) based on MPGD technology, never used before in RIChes, for a total active area of 1.5 m2. The new PDs consist of two layers of THGEMs, the first also acting as a reflective PC thanks to CsI coating, and a bulk...
With the advent of new facilities for radioactive ion beams mainly rich in neutrons, SPES @ LNL, FRAISE @ LNS and FAIR @ GSI only to give some examples, the detection of neutrons among charged particles in Heavy radioactive Ion collisions became mandatory, with high angular and energy resolutions, and the construction of new detection systems suitable for this experimental purpose becomes both...
Hadron particle identification (PID) in LHCb is performed by two Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors. The system consists of an upstream detector, the RICH1, and a downstream detector, the RICH2, which use different radiators to provide PID to particles with momentum in the range 2-100GeV. In Run3 the photon detectors are composed by Multi-Anode Photo-Multipliers planes, which have good...
The ALICE collaboration is proposing a new apparatus, ALICE 3, to investigate the Quark Gluon Plasma
(QGP) properties, exploiting precise measurements of heavy-flavour probes as well as electromagnet-
ic radiation. In this context, conceptual studies for the development of a RICH detector for ALICE 3 are ongoing. The proposed baseline layout is a proximity-focusing RICH, using aerogel (n =...
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) are candidates selected as the potential photodetector technology for the dual-radiator Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (dRICH) detector at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). SiPM optical readout offers several advantages being cheap, highly efficient and insensitive to the high magnetic field (~ 1.5 T) expected at the sensor plane in the experiment. On the other...
The Time-Of-Propagation (TOP) is the particle identification detector in the barrel region of the Belle II experiment. The detector uses quartz bars acting as Cherenkov radiators and Micro-Channel-Plate PMTs as photodetectos. Three generations of MCP-PMT are currently installed in the TOP detector. The SuperKEKB accelerator shutdowns of 2023 and 2027 will be used to upgrade the detector with...
Silicon Photo Multipliers aim to be a promising technology in the next generation experiments, based on ultra-low background large volume detectors searching for rare events. Novel photosensors with high performance at cryogenic temperature have been developed by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and integrated by Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in large area photodetectors, thus opening the...
Particle identification is a crucial aspect of most particle physics experiments.
In particular for space experiments, due to the limited downlink bandwidth and to the necessity to stimulate multimessenger observations, it is of paramount importance to design an experiment which is able to apply online triggers to identify the impinging particles.
Currently, we are living in extraordinary...
The Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) represent one of the most successful detection techniques to observe gamma rays of astrophysical origin with energy above few tens of GeV. This technique is based on the detection of Cherenkov light emitted in atmosphere by particle showers which allows the reconstruction of energy and direction of the incoming particles. Fast and high...
Several compounds can be utilised as cryogenic detectors; the main requirement is a small thermal capacitance, which allows an high sensitivity and a fast thermalisation time. Depending on the physics applications, several challenges have to be faced. The pileup between events depositing energy in a time interval faster than the thermalisation time can be non negligible when the source is...
The ALICE ITS3 project is planning to build a new vertex tracker based on truly cylindrical wafer-scale MAPS sensors, with <0.05% X0 per layer and as close as 18 mm to the interaction point. This will be possible exploiting the stitching technique and the natural property of 50 um thick silicon chips to be flexible. Furthermore, implementation of 65 nm CMOS technology will allow to reduce...
When extremely energetic neutrinos (E > $10^{19}$ eV) interact in a medium produce a thermo-acoustic process where the energy of generated particle cascades can be conveyed in a pressure pulse propagating into the same medium. The kilometric attenuation length as well as the well-defined shape of the expected pulse suggest a large-area-undersea-array of acoustic sensors as an ideal...
La Collaborazione ARCADIA (INFN CSN5 Call) ha sviluppato una piattaforma per la progettazione, fabbricazione e caratterizzazione di sensori monolitici innovativi compatibili con processi CMOS standard. La tecnologia del sensore permette lo svuotamento completo del substrato per una raccolta di carica esclusivamente per drift, mentre l’uso di un sensore di raccolta di ridotte dimensioni...
Crystal calorimetry has a long history of pushing the frontier of high energy resolution measurements for EM particles. Recent technological developments in the fields of crystal manufacturing and photodetector developments (SiPMs) have opened new perspectives on how a segmented crystal calorimeter with dual-readout capabilities could be exploited for particle detectors at future collider...
Recently, a test has been performed by the INFN-STORM collaboration on the H2 line at CERN SPS North Area with a hundred-GeV electron beam on two PWO samples, which confirmed the acceleration of electromagnetic shower, and thus the reduction of the radiation length, in axially oriented crystals.
We measured directly, for the first time ever, the light produced by the energy deposited inside...
A great number of astrophysical observations point to the existence of an abundant form of matter interacting almost exclusively through gravity. A potential candidate is a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) produced in the early Universe. Thanks to its excellent ionization response and unique scintillation light characteristics, Liquid Argon (LAr) detectors can provide great...
The Particle Flow calorimetry is a leading approach towards the 4D jet reconstruction and combines precise space and time information with unprecedented jet energy resolution. It is the most suitable approach for experiments at future high energy colliders. Particle-flow calorimeters, designed to combine the information from all the detector subsystems, requires high transverse and...
Liquid organic scintillators are widely used in experimental nuclear and particle physics thanks to their relatively high light yield and good timing properties. Along with scintillation light, a charged particle moving in the scintillator can produce a certain amount of Cherenkov light, if its speed is sufficiently high. Since Cherenkov light is emitted instantaneously as the charged particle...
The present generation of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) are radiation hard detectors,capable of dealing with rates of several MHz/cm2, while exhibiting good spatial resolution (≤ 50 μm) and modest time resolution of 5–10 ns, which satisfies the current generation of experiments (High Luminosity LHC upgrades) but is not sufficient for Future Collider detectors. The application of thin...
One of the most dangerous background for Dark Matter and other rare event searches comes from neutrons generated by the radioactivity of the detector materials.
We recently designed, constructed and operated a neutron veto for the XENONnT experiment at LNGS, with the novel technique of a Gd-loaded water Cherenkov detector.
In this talk we will present the performances of the detector,...
Low-temperature detectors rely on phonon counting, which is made possible thanks to the conversion, performed by highly sensitive temperature sensors, of temperature variations into electrical signals. In this contribution I’ll give a brief overview of the most commonly used sensors along with their main present limitations and the foreseeable prospects for the future.
State-of-the-art silicon sensors are able to operate efficiently up to fluences of 1E16/cm$^2$. Future frontier accelerators envisage the use of tracking detectors in environments with fluences exceeding 1E17/cm$^2$.
The possible solution to overcome the present limit in radiation tolerance is to exploit the recently observed saturation of radiation damage effects on silicon, together with...
Xenon double-phase TPCs have proven so far to be one of the best techniques for direct dark matter and other rare event search. The success of this technology has been demonstrated by many experiments in the last two decades, the most recent example being the results of XENONnT and LZ presented in July 2022.
INFN groups, while fully committed to the successful operation of the XENONnT...
The developments of next-generation Micromegas detectors with new resistive structures and fine granularity pad readout comply with the ECFA detector R&D themes on gaseous detectors for particle tracking at rates up to O(10) MHz/cm$^{2}$ with a spatial resolution of O(100) $\mu$m.
The talk focuses on test of detectors with uniform or segmented resistive planes with results on rate...
Hybrid organic/inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) represent a breakthrough in the direct detection of ionizing radiation thanks to their solution processability, and their scalability over large areas on flexible plastic substrates. Flexible perovskite X-ray detectors are lightweight devices that can be operated at low-voltages and strongly limit the use of toxic materials and precursors....
We report on novel, fully organic detectors for a real-time beam and dose monitoring over a large area, that permit, as an example application, to verify the actual dose delivered during medical radiotherapy (both with X-ray- or proton- beams), improving the quality of patients care and preventing long-term toxic effects. The use of organic semiconductors as active detection layers allows to...
Picosec is a novel micropattern gaseous detector (MPGD) proposed by the RD51
collaboration to overcome the limitations of classical MPGDs in terms of timing
performance. The concept is based on detecting Cherenkov light emitted by an
impinging particle in a proper radiator. A photocathode converts such light into
electrons, and a double amplification stage MicroMegas detector detects them....
Quantum technologies are establishing themselves relentlessly in a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from quantum computing, communication, simulation to imaging and sensing.
In the context of the ECFA Detector R&D roadmap process, many physics targets have been identified that could benefit from the unprecedented sensitivity and precision of quantum systems. In particular, materials...
We report on two R&D projects being carried out in AIDAinnova to develop innovative calorimeters with optical readout.
CRILIN is an extremely fast, highly granular calorimeter made of dense, inorganic crystals with both longitudinal and transverse segmentation, proposed as a candidate for the electromagnetic calorimeter for the Muon Collider experiment; a similar design was independently...
Different materials have been studied and proposed for the realization of RPC detectors for high rate environments. This study demonstrates how the semi-insulating gallium arsenide wafers currently on the market represent an optimal solution for high-rate RPCs. The measurements carried out show an intrinsic rate capability higher than 40 $kHz / cm^ 2$ with a gamma rejection of about $10 ^ {-3}$.
Optical transceivers have rapidly become essential components in the readout sub-systems of high-energy physics (HEP) experiments. Given the ever-increasing radiation hardness requirements for next-generation colliders, existing readout systems based on directly modulated laser diodes, e.g., VTRx+, will rapidly become ineffective. Properly engineered silicon-based photonics modulators have...
Vorrei presentare lo sviluppo di nuovi SiPM in grado di lavorare a temperature inferiori a quella comunemente segnalata dai produttori come limite inferiore, cioè -40° C. Il modello da cui siamo partiti sono i FBK NUV-HD-CRYO. Questi SiPM sono sensibili al vicino ultravioletto, regione di massimo interesse per la fisica del neutrino e materia oscura che utilizza argon o xenon liquidi.
Si vuole presentare, nella sessione dedicata ai Photon Detector, l’idea di base del progetto CRYO-PoF. Questo progetto ha ricevuto il finanziamento Grant Giovani CSN5 2021 e ha lo scopo di disegnare e validare un sistema opto-elettronico per l’alimentazione e il controllo del bias dei SiPM in ambiente criogenico.
Questo sistema nasce dall’esigenza di sviluppare un sistema di alimentazione...
The NP06/ENUBET project is designing a facility with unprecedented control on the neutrino flux for high precision ($\mathcal{O}$(1%)) cross section measurements. The key part of the facility is an instrumented decay tunnel that measures large angle charged leptons from kaon decays, thus constraining the associated neutrino fluxes. It is based on a sampling calorimeter for e/$\mu$/$\pi$...
The use of resistive layers, primarily introduced in MPGD to improve spatial resolution via charge dispersion, has been one of the major trends in the recent years thanks to their spark amplitude quenching feature.
Among resistive-MPGDs the micro-RWELL, exhibiting excellent tracking performance (<100 μm) and good time resolution (5 ns) at very high particle rate (up to 20 MHz/cm2), is a...
The Mu2e and MEG/MEG-II projects stand in the landscape of Intensity Frontier experiments searching for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation in the muon sector.
The Mu2e experiment will search for the conversion of a negative muon into a mono-energetic electron with a 104.97 MeV energy, and aims to improve the current experimental limit by a factor $10^4$.
The calorimeter will provide particle...
The Resistive Cylindrical Chamber, is a new device consisting of two coaxial electrodes of resistive material with a cylindrical geometry. The principle underlying the operation of the device consists in the natural extension from the concept of planar field to that of quasi-planar field, whose gradient is defined by the cylindrical electrodes radii and by the gas gap thickness. This new...
This work presents results on the Analog Pixel Test Structure (APTS), a 4 x 4 pixel matrix prototype equipped with fast individual OPAMP-based buffering of analog pixel signals to output pads for exploration of pixel timing performance. The work was framed in the ALICE ITS3 upgrade and the CERN-EP R&D on monolithic sensors to explore the TPSCo 65-nm imaging technology. This upgrade will...
Ovevrview of Timespot results on CMOS 28nm electronics and outlook for future developments.
Overview of Timespot 3D trenches sensors timing performance and outlook for future developments
Dark matter (DM) is one of the most challenging problems of modern physics. Nowadays, its nature remains elusive and multiple theoretical models have been proposed to explain DM phenomenology. A DM candidate that has attracted increasing attention is the axion, a hypothetical elementary particle postulated to solve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics. One of the possible ways to...
La possibilità di studiare eventi a bassa energia prodotti da particelle debolmente interagenti sta diventando cruciale in molti aspetti della fisica astroparticellare, dalla ricerca di possibili candidati alla Materia Oscura alla spettroscopia dei neutrini solari.
La collaborazione CYGNO sta sviluppando una TPC gassosa, operante a pressione atmosferica e temperatura ambiente, con GEM a...