Superconducting qubit readout fidelity at the threshold for quantum error correction without a quantum-limited amplifier

4 Oct 2022, 16:30
Sala Stringa (FBK (Trento, Italy))

Sala Stringa

FBK (Trento, Italy)

Via Sommarive, 18, 38123 Povo TN
ORAL Talks


Giovanna Tancredi (Chalmers University of Technology)


We present a readout scheme for superconducting qubits that combines a shelving technique, to effectively increase the qubit relaxation time, and a two-tone excitation of the resonator to rapidly distinguish among qubit populations in higher energy levels. Using a machine-learning algorithm to post-process the two-tone measurement results, we further improve the assignment fidelity. We demonstrate single-shot, multiplexed qubit readout, with 140ns readout time, with 99.5% assignment fidelity for two-state readout and 96.9% for three-state readout—without using a quantum-limited amplifier.

Primary author

Giovanna Tancredi (Chalmers University of Technology)


Mr Liangyu Chen (Chalmers) Hanh-Xi Li (Chalmers) Dr Yong Lu (Chalmers) Mr Christopher Warren (Chalmers) Mr Christian Krizan (Chalmers) Dr Sandoko Kosen (Chalmers) Dr Marcus Rommel Mr Amr Osman (Chalmers) Mr Shahnawaz Ahmed (Chalmers) Mrs Janka Biznarova (Chalmers) Dr Anita Fadavi Roudsari (Chalmers) Dr Benjamin Lienhard (Princeton University) Dr Marco Caputo (VTT) Dr Anton Frisk Kockum (Chalmers) Dr Joonas Govenius (VTT) Dr Kestutis Grigoras (VTT) Dr Leif Gronberg (VTT) Prof. Jonas Bylander (Chalmers) Prof. Per Delsing (Chalmers)

Presentation materials