Oct 5 – 7, 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

We are pleased to announce the second pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA (https://www.agata.org/) physics campaign at LNL. The workshop will take place on October 5-7th, 2022 at LNL

The aim of the workshop is to assist the spokespersons in putting the strongest cases for their proposals forward through a discussion of the physics to be investigated, and to assess the feasibility of the experiments they intend to propose. This includes all experiments planning to use stable beams from the Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE complex for studies involving AGATA in a possible combination with PRISMA and/or ancillary detectors that are compatible with PRISMA (see technical-prePAC-final.pdf). All such proposals will have to be discussed at this workshop before being submitted to the LNL PAC. This applies also to the projects that were discussed at the PAC meeting in February 2022, but have not been granted beamtime in 2022.  By applying such a procedure, the collaboration hopes to avoid their potential overlaps with new projects.

The next PAC meeting will be held at LNL from the 5th to the 7th of December. The deadline for the submission of the proposals will be one month before, i.e. 4th of November. 

Viale dell'Università, 2, 35020 Legnaro PD
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Scientific secretaries:

Daniele Brugnara (daniele.brugnara@lnl.infn.it), Matus Sedlak (matus.sedlak@lnl.infn.it)