April 19, 2022
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone


The Symposium will take place in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium, (Bldg. n. 36, see map).

Participants will be required to:

  • show a valid Covid-19 Green Pass at the entrance gate.

  • wear masks inside the auditorium and the other building areas at all times (except during the coffee break in the lobby of the auditorium; anyway prolonged periods of mask removal are not permitted and masks must be worn while not eating or drinking).

  • enter the Building 36 from the entrance front door for accreditation at the reception desk, providing the following Covid-19 self-declaration (declaration not required for LNF employees, associates and guests).

Lunch will take place at the LNF Canteen (Bldg. n. 33), at 13:30.

Internet access: An Eduroam Wi-Fi network will be available in the meeting areas.
Participants owning a INFN account, may also use the INFNdot1X Wi-Fi network. Participants who are not enabled to join the Eduroam or the INFNdot1X network may apply to access the INFN-WEB Wi-Fi network for visitors, as explained in the following instructions.

How to get to LNF: http://w3.lnf.infn.it/how-to-get-here/?lang=en