The Symposium will take place in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium, (Bldg. n. 36, see map).
Participants will be required to:
show a valid Covid-19 Green Pass at the entrance gate.
wear masks inside the auditorium and the other building areas at all times (except during the coffee break in the lobby of the auditorium; anyway prolonged periods of mask removal are not permitted and masks must be worn while not eating or drinking).
enter the Building 36 from the entrance front door for accreditation at the reception desk, providing the following Covid-19 self-declaration (declaration not required for LNF employees, associates and guests).
Lunch will take place at the LNF Canteen (Bldg. n. 33), at 13:30.
Internet access: An Eduroam Wi-Fi network will be available in the meeting areas.
Participants owning a INFN account, may also use the INFNdot1X Wi-Fi network. Participants who are not enabled to join the Eduroam or the INFNdot1X network may apply to access the INFN-WEB Wi-Fi network for visitors, as explained in the following instructions.
How to get to LNF: