June 10, 2022
Legnaro National Laboratory
Europe/Rome timezone

The annual AGATA collaboration meeting will be held at Legnaro National Laboratory on June 10th 2022after the end of the AGATA Week (June 6-9th 2022) and the Celebration of the 10(+2) years of Science Activities of AGATA, in the afternoon of June 9th 2022.

The AGATA Collaboration meeting will be devoted to short presentations on recent results and ongoing analyses of AGATA experiments mainly performed in the 2021 AGATA campaign at GANIL.

The yearly closed meeting of the AGATA Collaboration Council will take place at the end of the morning session, on June 10th 2022.

According to the data policy agreement of the AGATA collaboration, status reports for the progress of the analysis of data obtained with AGATA must be given annually. Contact persons (or spokespersons) of AGATA experiments performed during the 2021 GANIL campaigns are requested to submit abstracts for short presentations at the annual AGATA collaboration meeting. 

The deadline for abstract submission is May 20th 2022.

Abstracts should be submitted through this page, with the title “Report on the AGATA@GANIL experiment Exxx”.

Attendees that would like to participate in person are kindly asked to check the current travel restriction imposed due to coronavirus pandemic. See the COVID-19 status page.

For accommodation and traveling see the AGATA Week web page.


Legnaro National Laboratory