The collection of individually resolvable gravitational wave (GW) events makes up a tiny fraction
of all GW signals in our Universe, while most lie below the confusion limit of our observatories
and thus remain undetected. Like voices in a crowded room, the collection of unresolved signals
gives rise to a background which is well–described via stochastic variables, and hence referred
to as the stochastic GW background (SGWB). In a recent review paper [arXiv:2202.00178], we
outline what possible GW sources can contribute to such a background, and give an overview of
stochastic detection methods with different GW experiments. In this talk, I will focus on detection
methods with the current second generation (2G) interferometer network, laying out a roadmap to
detection. In the process, I will characterize the SGWB we expect to measure with the 2G network,
and highlight the challenges we face when trying to measure this elusive signal. Finally, I will
briefly outline future detection prospects with third generation (3G) interferometers and review
proposed data analysis techniques tailored to this class of detectors.