Season 3 Episode 5 PhD Seminar

Aula Rasetti (VEF) and Zoom

Aula Rasetti (VEF) and Zoom


15th meeting of physics PhD seminar series

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Meeting ID: 883 8415 4993
Passcode: 385588

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You can submit abstracts using the following link:

    • 1
      Gravitational Love: The importance of tidal effects for studying binary neutron stars

      The detection of gravitational waves gives us new insights into the nature of the compact objects that coalesced to generate them. In particular, the early stage of a merger can be modeled through the use of the bodies' Love numbers. These describe how a body deforms when it is under the effect of a tidal force, and therefore they contain information about the interior of the body. In my seminar, I will talk about how we define and compute these Love numbers and how we can use them to learn more about compact objects such as neutron stars.

      Speaker: Gonçalo Castro
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    • 3
      Communication over few-mode fibers

      The aim of this presentation is to give some knowledge about communication over fibers. I investigated the possibilities of information transmission over telecommunication optical fibers at 800 nm, which is commonly used in free space communication. Telecommunication fibers show greater losses and multi-mode behaviour at this wavelength. However, sources of non-classical light for quantum communication have better properties in the field. I will introduce a characterization of telecommunication optical fibers for few wavelengths, filtration methods of higher modes, changes of polarization state in a fiber, and the active correction of instabilities. My work is a part of the development of QKD unified system usable for both - the free-space and the fibers.

      Speaker: Nikola Horová
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