February 9, 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Program

High precision measurements of kaonic atoms

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati,

9th February 2022

10:00 – 10:10 Catalina Curceanu: High precision measurements of kaonic atoms: introduction
10:10 – 10:30 Catalina Curceanu: Status of SIDDHARTA-2 and future plans
10:30 – 10:45 Johann Zmeskal: Development of CZT detektor systems for a broad energy range 10 - 1000 keV for hadron physics
10:45 – 11:10 Tadashi Hashimoto: Kaonic atom experiments with TES microcalorimeters
11:10 – 11:30 Alessandro Scordo: VOXES: a detection system with eV resolution for X rays in KeV range

11:30 – 11:45 Break

11:45 – 11:55 Luca De Paolis: The E2 nuclear resonance effect: new possible investigation on strong interaction in kaonic atoms
11:55 – 12:10 Claude Amsler: Impact of the K+ mass on the charmonium spectrum
12:10 – 12:40 Paul Indelicato: The kaon mass from kaonic atoms: atomic energies and cascade simulations

12:40 – 13:00 Discussion