12–16 Sept 2022
Centro Congressi Federico II
Europe/Rome timezone


The deadline for the proceedings submission is September 30th, 2022.

Due to the large number of requests to postpone the deadline, we asked and obtained an extension from the editor. The new deadline to submit the proceedings is October 21st, 2022. Please note that this new deadline is absolutely sharp and no further extensions are foreseen.

Proceedings will be published on "Journal of Physics : Conference Series" which is indexed on Scopus.

Maximum number of pages is :

  • 8 for overview talks
  • 6 for contributed talks
  • 4 for flash talks/posters

Author guidelines are available here

You can submit your proceeding on the official platform


Publisher recommendations :

Papers should be submitted in a PDF format. We highly recommend that all papers have the authors institutional email addresses attached, this can be as well as their personal email addresses. We would also recommend the authors include their ORCID ID numbers in the papers.