12–16 Sept 2022
Centro Congressi Federico II
Europe/Rome timezone

The NUSES space mission

14 Sept 2022, 11:40
Aula Magna (Centro Congressi Federico II)

Aula Magna

Centro Congressi Federico II

Via Partenope, 36, 80121 Napoli NA
Oral presentation Cosmic Rays


Ivan De Mitri (GSSI & INFN)


NUSES is a new space mission aiming to test innovative observational and
technological approaches related to the study of cosmic rays, high energy astrophysical neutrinos, Sun-Earth environment, Space weather
and magnetosphere-ionosphere-lithosphere coupling (MILC). The satellite
will host two payloads, named TERZINA and ZIRE’. ZIRE’ will perform
measurements of electrons, protons and light nuclei from few up to hundreds MeV, test new tools for the detection of cosmic MeV photons, and the monitoring of MILC signals. TERZINA, as a pathfinder of the POEMMA mission, will observe the
Cherenkov light produced by EAS generated by cosmic ray primaries at very high
energies and will monitor the light emissions from the Earth’s limb in the near UV and visible ranges at the ns time scale. In this way it will test the observational concept of detecting Earth skinmming astrophysical tau neutrinos. The scientific objectives and development status of the mission will be presented.

Primary author

Ivan De Mitri (GSSI & INFN)

Presentation materials