Photocathode Performance in Accelerator Applications
- Rong Xiang (HZDR)
The LightHouse project is a novel industrial application of an electron accelerator for the production of medical isotopes (99Mo) as an alternative to nuclear reactors.
In the framework of the SMART project of the company Institut National des Radioéléments (IRE), RI is responsible for the superconducting electron accelerator which includes the DC photoinjector, the SRF modules and the...
For the high-precision measurements in the experiments at the new Mainz Energy Recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA), it is necessary to know exactly the long-term spin properties of the electron beam. For this purpose, a test setup has been built at the Institute for Nuclear physics. Different preparation methods of a photocathode with nitrogen trifluoride and oxygen are compared.The...