13–15 Jun 2022
Palazzo Franchetti - Venice
Europe/Rome timezone

Chiral theories dynamics from symmetries and anomalies

13 Jun 2022, 18:05
Palazzo Franchetti - Venice

Palazzo Franchetti - Venice


Andrea Luzio (Università di Pisa)


In this talk, I discuss some examples of UV-free chiral gauge theories, looking at their IR effective descriptions from the point of view of symmetries and anomalies. In particular, I show how the 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions (generalized by including higher form symmetries) and the realization of symmetries (either broken or unbroken, exacts or anomalous) allow us to learn some features of the IR theory, e.g. by implying condensates we were not aware of before or by shaping the interaction between IR degrees of freedom.

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