13–15 Jun 2022
Palazzo Franchetti - Venice
Europe/Rome timezone

Brane evaporation in double holography and entanglement islands

13 Jun 2022, 15:00
Palazzo Franchetti - Venice

Palazzo Franchetti - Venice


Federico Galli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Doubly holographic braneworld models played an important role in understanding the role of entanglement islands. They offer three complementary perspectives: the usual AdS bulk and boundary CFT descriptions, but also a brane picture where a gravitational theory is coupled to a CFT. I will discuss ongoing work on the study of entanglement entropy in a model of braneworld evaporation. From the higher dimensional AdS bulk point of view, this system corresponds to a black hole accelerated by a domain wall with time dependent tension.

Presentation materials