ATTENZIONE: Lunedì 15 Luglio, dalle 13:00 alle 15:00 sarà effettuato un intervento di manutenzione su Durante tale fascia oraria il servizio potrà risultare non raggiungibile.

ATTENTION: On Monday 15 July, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, maintenance will be carried out on During this time slot, the service may be unreachable.

Giornate di Studio sulla Fisica Teorica

Fondazione Cesare Pavese (Santo Stefano Belbo (CN))

Fondazione Cesare Pavese

Santo Stefano Belbo (CN)

Anna Ceresole (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

INFN Group 4 Retreat 2021: after almost two years of difficult contacts due to Covid19, theorists from UniTO, UPO Alessandria, Torino Politecnico and INFN, get together to discuss the highlights and prospects in Field and String Theory, Particle Phenomenology, AstroParticle Physics, Mathematical Physics, Nuclear and hadron Physics and Statistical Field Theory. There will be ample time for open discussions during coffee and lunch breaks, the excursions in the vineyards, and the hikes along the historic "Itinerari Pavesiani".

Anna Ceresole
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