Season 3 Episode 1 PhD Seminar

Aula Rasetti (VEF) and Zoom

Aula Rasetti (VEF) and Zoom

Elizabeth Sarah Long (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Season 3 Episode 1

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Passcode: 385588

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    • 18:00 18:05
      Brief Introduction 5m
      Speaker: Elizabeth Sarah Long (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 18:05 18:25
      Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: one of the biggest challenges in gravitational astronomy. 20m

      Continuous Gravitational Waves are expected to be emitted by Neutron Stars as a consequence of magnetic-field-induced deformations or dynamical instabilities. These signals are considerably weaker with respect to already-observed signals from coalescing compact objects, and their first detection is still missing. In this talk I will explain the scientific interest behind this search. I will also show the different strategies that can be used depending on the available information on the sources.

      Speaker: Lorenzo Pierini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 18:25 18:35
      Dicussion 10m
    • 18:35 18:55
      The physics of flocking: building a model from data 20m

      Have you ever looked at the sky in Rome these days? Can you imagine that all those black points moving together are actually minuscule birds and that statistical physics can describe them? If you are curious about this fascinating topic and you want to learn more about the statistical mechanics of flocking, that's the talk for you.
      I will explain the basic tools of our work in the simplest possible way and I will briefly introduce a new model, that I studied during my PhD, for natural flocks of birds

      Speaker: Antonio Culla
    • 18:55 19:05
      Discussion 10m