23–27 May 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Invited talk by Tomotake Matsumura (Kavli IPMU Tokyo) on "Scientific challenges expected from future space experiments"

23 May 2022, 11:25
Aula Magna, Palazzo Mosti (Ferrara)

Aula Magna, Palazzo Mosti


Corso Ercole I d’Este, 37, Ferrara, Italy


The measurement of cosmic microwave background (CMB) from space is ideal for the entire sky access and broad observational frequency coverage. The past CMB satellite missions, COBE, WMAP, and Planck, play crucial roles in establishing modern cosmology. Now next-generation satellite missions will aim for even more demanding scientific goals, and the various corresponding requirements on the mission become stringent. In this talk, we will review the achievements and lessons learned from the past CMB space missions. With these heritages in the community, I will try projecting the upcoming challenges and make a bridge to the rest of the talks in this workshop.

Presentation materials